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Notre court-métrage ( 2 min. ) "VERSION DEUS" a reçu un premier prix : "Meilleur SHORT sur la culture suisse". Avec un peu de chance, le long métrage "Yellow" viendra à Soleure 2022

WINNER-SwitzerlandInternationalFilmFesti   title pending... "Smartphone Movie"

Anker 1


Teaser Trailer

Pas encore publié. À la place, voyez ci-dessous la bande-annonce brute et originale, coupé pendant une nuit à l'été 2015:


Filming: 2015 - 2021. Post-Production ends: 2022.
Duration: 70 min.

Genre: fiction feature doc feature, alternative, improvisations, like a video game, a Fribourg fairy tale, dogme, art, heterotopia, experimenting.

Contributors: Boris Gibé, Marie-Cécile Kolly, Oskar Coursin, Laetitia Areias, Sandrine Tona, Alberto Mauro, Benjamin Cris Koi / Koy Jeri Fasel and all people listed in the credits of the motion picture...
The motion picture was made by Benjamin Cris Koi / Koy Jeri Fasel also known as B. C. Koi Jeri Fasel
Sets / Decorations: Marie-Cécile Kolly, Louis Yerly, Jean-Luc Giller, Sandrine Tona, Boris Gibé, Koi and all people listed in the credits of the motion picture...

Status: completed and self-financed, I need financial support
for cinema and marketing and / or streaming / discs (blu-ray)

Nous en tournée / We on tour

Anker 2

Certaines des projections de B. C. Koi Jeri Fasel en tournée avec son beamer:

Booking, ideas: Contact me via fb.

Self-financed, I need financial support.

Photos de la tournée

Le mouvement et le soutien (en cours)

Les films et timeline click >

timeline koi jeri fasel yellow.jpg
films menu 2021 koi jeri fasel.jpg


B. C. Koi Jeri Fasel

Fribourg (Schweiz), as teenager Benjamin C. Koi Jeri Fasel was football player, later he studied game design in Berlin. As artist, he designed video games (details on under C. Fasel). On instagram is a small insight into his work (3D models). He and the team was awarded with the german developer award.

In 2015 in Fribourg he experimented with the camera of his first smartphone without prior knowledge of filmmaking.
He improvised a movie without a script, autodidact and as one-man only with only his fribourg friends. He projected it in a silo – during the projections he filmed them again, watching, interacting and stories were spun!

Koi was dancing in the light of the projector exposed canvas.
Today it is a movie for the cinemas about wild partys of modern young people, indigenous people and their sharing.
Koi means "someone" in Hindi and "revolution" after I Ging.

Marie-Cécile Kolly

Work in Progress...


Boris Gibé

Work in Progress...


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Link to Koi's 3D models

Animations & Videos

Koi Jeri Fasel and Sandrine Tona.gif

Koi Jeri avec Sandrine Tona


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